Beachbody Fitness Coaching: What is it, and is it right for you?

I have recently become a Beachbody Fitness Coach, and I could not be more excited! With that being said, I know a lot of people don’t know what fitness coaching is, or even what Beachbody is, so I wanted to write this post to give you some information! I hope by writing this post it will help you decide if Beachbody is a good fit for you, and help you see if having a fitness coach is something you would be interested in!

Disclaimer:  I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post contains affiliate links that if clicked, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

What is Beachbody?

Beachbody is an online platform that offers dozens of different workout programs that you can do wherever you have access to the internet. They have all different kinds of programs that are all catered to different needs and wants. Weight loss, muscle toning, cardio fitness; you name it, they have it. One of the reasons I really love Beachbody is because of the variety they offer; I feel like it is perfect for those that are not super familiar with working out and are looking to find what they love. For me, staying consistent with working out means doing something I enjoy, and I think Beachbody is a great platform to try out all different kinds of ways to exercise until you find the one that you fall in love with.

Beachbody’s workout programs are all designed by qualified professionals that will also be the ones taking you through their programs. My personal favorite trainer is Chalene Johnson; I love her attitude and I feel like her PiYo program (a program that mixes Pilates and yoga to give you low-impact, high-intensity workouts) is a great program to start with; it gives results without being too difficult!

The thing with Beachbody is that it has something for everyone; if you love dance workouts, they have that. If you love weight-lifting, they have that. If you love yoga, Pilates, Barre – they have it all. It is reasonably priced (for access to Beachbody on Demand for a full year it will cost about $99.00, and that will give you online access to almost every workout program they offer) and most programs can be done from the comfort of your own home. They have programs for all different fitness levels, and the site is easy to navigate and browse so you can easily find what appeals to you the most.

What is Beachbody Fitness Coaching?

Photo on the left was taken the first day I started PiYo; Photo on the right was taken upon completion of the PiYo program

Okay, and now for my favorite part about Beachbody: Fitness Coaching. With purchase with any of their programs, you have access to a fitness coach. A fitness coach is going to help you in three main ways: nutrition, accountability, and pointing you towards the right workout program. Fitness coaches also often run challenges and start support groups, which will help connect you with like-minded people, and also help you stay accountable to your workouts.

I decided to become a Beachbody coach because I love connecting with people and helping them realize a love for fitness. Fitness is so important to me (it has helped me so much with my mental health struggles) because it helps me feel like I am strong and I love the feeling of being totally in control of my body. I want to help others connect with fitness the way I have, and I want the opportunity to meet other awesome people that are trying to change their lives.

And because nutrition is just as important as the workout itself when it comes to taking care of your body, as your fitness coach, I will also provide you with weekly meal plans and grocery lists that will help you stay on track with your fitness goals. Beachbody also has a product called Shakeology that is absolutely delicious (and it comes in so many flavors). It is really beneficial if your main goal is to lose or maintain weight; Shakeology has a high-quality ingredient list and provides a lot of vitamins, minerals, and protein that you could be lacking in your diet.

With all of that being said, if having a fitness coach makes you uncomfortable, you definitely don’t need to have one to make Beachbody worth it to you. If you have plenty of motivation and accountability on your own, then that is great! I just think it is awesome that Beachbody offers a fitness coach to help navigate their programs and make them as effective as possible.

In Conclusion:

Beachbody is an online platform offering dozens of different workout programs, making it easy to find something you love and also do it from home. With the purchase of any of these programs (or purchase of Beachbody On Demand, which will give you access to ALL of these programs) you can have a fitness coach, who is basically there to be your biggest supporter. They offer weekly check-ins, meal plans, and support groups that you can join in order to stay motivated and talk to like-minded people about your goals and share your fitness journey with.

If you are interested in me becoming your Beachbody coach, you can find my webpage here! You can send me an email or a text message with any questions, and I will be happy to answer them!

I hope you all enjoyed this post and found it informative! Let me know what you think in the comment section below; I’d love to hear about your experiences with Beachbody!

10 thoughts on “Beachbody Fitness Coaching: What is it, and is it right for you?

  1. Wow! It definitely worked for you then! I have seen this advertised before, but I haven’t ever personally done it myself. Thanks so much for sharing all the info about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is great that you recently became a Beachbody Fitness Coach! Pretty cool that you’ve seen results with the program too. I found that these programs are great especially with those who don’t want to think about the workout, and just work out!

    Nancy ✨

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Admittedly I don’t think this program is aimed at someone like me — but I can see that those who are invested in it can get a lot out of it. I think anything that supports people and is encouraging in a way that benefits them then it’s a lovely idea. Thanks for sharing!


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